Developing an Industry-Specific Lean 4.0 Readiness Assessment Tool: A Case for the Chemical Sector
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Industry 4.0, lean, digital transformation, Readiness Assessment Tool, chemical industry
In an era where digital transformation is increasingly imperative, many industries struggle to navigate the complexities of technological adoption and operational efficiency. Lean principles, which emphasize waste reduction and process optimization, provide a robust foundation for digital transformation, particularly in the chemical industry, where unique operational challenges exist. This research aims to develop an integrated Lean 4.0 readiness assessment tool to bridge the gap between leanness and Industry 4.0 readiness. The study begins with a literature review on existing lean and Industry 4.0 readiness measurement tools and integrates them to create a new framework, using the Indonesia Industry 4.0 Readiness Index (INDI 4.0) as a reference, tailored specifically to the chemical industry. Expert interviews are conducted to refine the assessment tool, ensuring alignment with real-world industry conditions and practical insights. A Delphi-based expert consensus method combined with a fuzzy approach for handling imprecision in indicator ratings is employed to validate the framework, resulting in five key dimensions and 86 indicators. By gathering expert input, the tool addresses the chemical industry’s specific challenges and simplifies readiness evaluation, helping companies assess their preparedness for digital transformation and identify areas for improvement. The resulting framework enables chemical companies to bridge readiness gaps and prioritize targeted enhancements. Furthermore, this tool has the potential to serve as a scalable model for other industries, fostering more efficient and strategic digital transformation aligned with Industry 4.0 objectives globally.
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