A Solution Approach on Reducing Defects in Batik Tanah Liek Production Process of a Small and Medium-sized Enterprise
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quality management, defect reduction, FMEA, SME, batik tanah liat
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) often struggle with implementing effective quality management practices, especially in traditional industries like batik production. These challenges include ensuring consistent product quality to differentiate from competitors and attract customers. This study focuses on addressing quality control issues in small-scale Batik Tanah Liek production, where significant defects persist. The research aims to assess existing practices, identify defect causes, and propose solutions to enhance product quality and reduce rejection rates. These efforts contribute to improving production efficiency and supporting the sustainability of this traditional craft. The study employs a systematic approach combining quality management methodologies, including data collection, problem identification, brainstorming, the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) approach, and actionable recommendations. Data was gathered through a questionnaire to capture perspectives on defects and quality control issues in batik production. Key quality challenges identified include faded batik, torn fabric, and incorrect motifs. Analysis revealed that the primary cause of incorrect motifs is the malfunctioning canting tool, which hinders proper wax application. Additionally, defects in dyeing and boiling processes contribute to fabric fading and tearing, exacerbating quality issues. The findings underscore the need for systematic solutions, such as creating clear work instructions, designing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for process consistency, and implementing preventive maintenance schedules for equipment. By addressing these issues, the study provides practical interventions to improve production quality. These measures not only enhance the economic viability of SMEs but also play a crucial role in preserving the cultural heritage of Batik Tanah Liek. The implications of this research highlight the potential for broader adoption of quality management practices in traditional industries to ensure their sustainability in competitive markets.
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