JOSI is jointly published by the Industrial Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty at Universitas Andalas, the Institution of Engineers Indonesia (IEI) and BKSTI (Badan Kerjasama Penyelenggara Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Industri).


Universitas Andalas Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia


Latest/renewed agreement numbers are:

  • With BKSTI; 01/JOSI-Unand/I/2018 and 001/KM-BKSTI/I/2018 in 10th January 2018
  • With Institution of Engineers Indonesia; 02/JOSI-Unand/I/2018 and 08-02/MOU/BKTI-PII/I/2018 in 22nd January 2018 (renewed agreement since the 2011's).

For reference, the documents are displayed below.