Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm to Solve Vehicle Routing Problem with Fuel Consumption Minimization
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Vehicle routing problem, loading weight, traveling time, fuel consumption, Particle Swarm Optimization
The Conventional Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) has the objective function of minimizing the total vehicles’ traveling distance. Since the fuel cost is a relatively high component of transportation costs, in this study, the objective function of VRP has been extended by considering fuel consumption minimization in the situation wherein the loading weight and traveling time are restricted. Based on these assumptions, we proposed to extend the route division procedure proposed by Kuo and Wang [4] such that when one of the restrictions can not be met the routing division continues to create a new sub-route to find an acceptable solution. To solve the formulated problem, the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is proposed to optimize the vehicle routing plan. The proposed methodology is validated by solving the problem by taking a particular day data from a bottled drinking water distribution company. It was revealed that the saving of at best 13% can be obtained from the actual routes applied by the company.
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