Towards Safer Workplace: A Survey-Based Study on Developing a Safety Climate Model for the Indonesian Paper Industry

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Nana Rahdiana
Bambang Suhardi
Retno Wulan Damayanti
Novie Susanto
Jafri Mohd Rohani


Confirmatory Factor Analysis, paper industry, safety climate model, safety risk, workplace accident


A reliable safety climate model is essential for evaluating safety behavior and predicting risks such as accidents or injuries, yet no research has specifically addressed the safety climate in the paper industry, either globally or in Indonesia. Recognized as high-risk due to its reliance on large machinery and hazardous chemicals, the paper industry has been understudied in this context. This research addresses the gap by developing a safety climate model tailored to the Indonesian paper industry, following a rigorous methodology that included a literature review, model design, validation processes, and Goodness-of-Fit testing. The study identified nine dimensions and 36 initial indicators, with strong content validity confirmed through Aiken’s V index, and refined through a survey of 313 employees—including managers, supervisors, and operators—at a paper factory in West Java, Indonesia. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) led to the final model, comprising nine dimensions and 32 validated indicators, achieving excellent fit across key criteria. These dimensions include management commitment, safety environment, safety communication, safety involvement, safety rules and procedures, safety training, safety competence, work pressure, and local wisdom. The validated model offers valuable insights into safety practices, providing a practical framework for improving safety performance in the Indonesian paper industry. By fostering a proactive safety culture and addressing sector-specific risks, this model has the potential to significantly reduce workplace accidents and improve overall safety performance, marking an important advancement in industry-specific safety research.


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