Optimizing the Supply Chain for Recycling Electric Vehicle NMC Batteries

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Fransisca Indraningsih Kasy
Muhammad Hisjam
Wakhid Ahmad Jauhari
Syed Ahmad Helmi Syed Hassan


recycling, optimization, network design, Mixed Integer Linear Programming


The rapid growth of electric vehicle production has led to increased waste batteries that can no longer be used. This increase causes environmental and economic challenges. Lithium-ion battery waste harms the environment as it contains toxic and flammable chemicals. New raw materials need to be procured economically due to the need for more infrastructure and a circular economy. Therefore, the solution to overcome the impact of the accumulation of lithium battery waste is to recycle the battery. Recycling end-of-life batteries is necessary to mitigate material supply risks, reduce demand for new materials, and mitigate harmful environmental and health impacts. This study aims to provide a conceptual model for the supply chain network design of electric vehicles' Nickel Manganese Cobalt (NMC) battery recycling process. We developed a mathematical model to determine the allocation of multi-product recycling products from multi-suppliers and other related entities such as manufacturers and landfills over multiple periods. The analysis method utilizes techno-economic investment feasibility analysis and load distance method. The problem in the recycling process supply chain network is formulated in a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model. The MILP optimization results show that the proposed model produces a globally optimal solution for allocating NMC batteries. The application of this study is to provide a solution to the treatment of waste batteries from electric vehicle end-users in Java Island, Indonesia. In addition, it can develop economic opportunities in the waste battery recycling business in the electric vehicle industry. It is building a contribution to a sustainable electric vehicle battery management system by reducing the dependence on demand for new materials from mining and analyzing the sustainability of the NMC electric vehicle battery recycling process.


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