Model Pengoptimuman Portofolio Mean-Variance dan Perkembangan Praktisnya

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Ezra Putranda Setiawan

Dedi Rosadi



Many research about portfolio optimization in Indonesia still uses the ‘original’ mean-variance model as proposed by Markowitz more than 60 years ago. This article reviews the development and modification of the Markowitz’s mean-variance model, especially that dealing with real stock-market features, which could help the investor to create their own portfolio. There were several real-stock market features that implemented in the modification of mean-variance portfolios optimization models, such as the minimum transaction lots, the transaction cost, the cardinality constraint, the weight constraint, and the sectoral constraint. To implement these features, several heuristic methods were used to obtain the optimal portfolio weight, such as genetic algorithm, Tabu search, bee colony algorithm, particle swarm algorithm, and simulated annealing. These methods become alternative to the mathematical programming method.


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