Analisis Penerimaan dan Pengeluaran Barang Umum Non Curah Pada Gudang Perbekalan PT. Semen Padang

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Amanda Febria Sari


inventory control, EOQ, inventory turnover (ITO)1


Inventory has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of this inventory is to be
able to anticipate the urgent needs of the company, meet the demand from users. But this
stock has a loss, which can increase the costs to be incurred by the company so as to reduce
the advantage held by the company. The more the amount of inventory in warehouse, the
more the cost of inventory that must be removed and inventory turnover (ITO) which
produced the lower. One way to do inventory control is to determine the optimal order
quantity. The method used to determine the optimal number of reservations is to use the
EOQ method by considering the amount of safety stock and reorder point when done. Based
on the calculations have been performed for the optimal order quantity are 2,019 bottles of
oxygen, welding wirerod is 14,795 stems, and 185 stem of pipe metal. By doing of EOQ to
inventory control obtained by the method of ITO increases the weld wire and pipe metal
from 0.0392 to 1.1010 at the welding wire and from 0.2949 to 0.8627 on a pipe metal.
However, the oxygen has decreased from 1.9238 to 1.6094 so that it can be concluded that
the EOQ method can not be applied to the oxygen, but can be applied to the welding
wire and pipe metal.


[1] A. Ahyari, Efisiensi Persedian Bahan, Yogyakarta: BPFE, 1995.
[2] M. Meiliana, Analisis Peranan Penerapan Metode Economic Order Quantity DALAM Meningkatkan Inventory Turnover pada PT. Agronesia Divisi Industri Teknik Karet Inkaba, Bandung: Unikom, 2010.
[3] R. J. Tersine, Principles of Inventory and Material Management 4rd Edition, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall International, Inc, 1994.
[4] B. Riyanto, Dasar-Dasar Pembelanjaan Perusahaan Edisi 4. Yogyakarta: BPFE- Yogyakarta, 2001.