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supply chain, productivity, PT Coca Cola Bottling Indonesia
This paper discussed the supply chain management solutions at PT Coca Cola Bottling Indonesia with
an evaluation of supply chain management of Coca Cola, where supply chain management is a
concept or mechanism to increase the total productivity of companies in the supply chain through
optimization of the time, location and quantity of flow materials from raw materials into semi-finished
products and finished products. Supply Chain Management is not only about the relationship with the
supplier but also the link between the company and consumers. By knowing the value of the
performance of supply chainnya the company can improve the effectiveness and productivity of the
organization to achieve organizational goals is to win the competition, and increase corporate profits.
In such measurements should be made an integrated framework and must comply with the
conditions of the studied companies.
[2] Mubin, Penerapan Konsep Untuk Menurunkan Persediaan Di PT. COCA COLA Distribusi Malang2003.
[3] http://www.coca-
[4] http://www.coca- co.id133 Sembiring, Penentuan Rute Distribusi Produk Yang Optimal Dengan Menggunakan Algotitma Heuristik Pada PT.Coca Cola Bottling Indonesia Medan: Penerapan Konsep Crossdocking Untuk Menurunkan Persediaan Di PT. COCA COLA Distribusi Malang: Malang, -colabottling/indonesia.