Systematic Review of Kansei Engineering Method Developments in the Design Field

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Afif Hakim
Bambang Suhardi
Pringgo Widyo Laksono
Mirwan Ushada


product design, functionality, usability, pleasurability, usability testing, kansei engineering


Kansei engineering is a critical method for designing products that meet functionality, usability, and pleasurability, essential elements for business success. Despite its significance, there is limited understanding of how this method has evolved in recent years. This study aims to analyze the development of Kansei Engineering research from 2018 to 2022 using the Scopus database. The research methodology involved stages of identification, screening, filtering, and inclusion, resulting in 41 articles for detailed analysis out of an initial 215. The results indicate that 85% of Kansei Engineering research focuses on tangible products, with 83% categorized as type 1 studies, and 56% not integrating other methods. Additionally, 88% of the studies use only Kansei words, and 41% visualize design results as 3D images, with 95% not considering unique aspects. is dominance of tangible product design and the lack of integration with other methods suggest a need for diversification in research approaches. Furthermore, the high reliance on Kansei words and 3D visualizations points to a potential area for innovation and expansion in research techniques. This review highlights a significant research gap in Kansei Engineering studies, emphasizing the need for more diversified approaches. By identifying these gaps, the study provides a clear direction for future research, recommending that Kansei Engineering should explore beyond the predominant trends and consider integrating with other methods and unique aspects. This can enhance the method's application in industrial engineering and lead to more comprehensive and innovative product designs. Future research should aim to fill these gaps, ensuring that Kansei Engineering continues to evolve and contribute effectively to the field of product design and development.


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